Christian Blake from Chiropraise helps chiropractors with everything from building a custom website, managing their presence online, and driving them new patients. He starts with understanding their business and then uses automation and advanced tools to drive high-quality new patients.
Ryan Shank: Welcome to another episode of growing your agency with Ryan Shank. I'm here today with Christian Blake's and Kira and tres. Christian. Thank you so much for joining us. How's it going?
Christian Blake: Absolutely. It's going well man. We're a, I'm in the Midwest where we're experiencing a heat wave, but I think as an now a Midwesterner, we just call it a regular Friday.
Ryan Shank: You know, it's just a day. Yeah, I feel it. It's just a normal day out here. Yeah, no. Um, it's also really, really had an east coast as well. I'm in Maryland now. We're based out of, uh, an New York and it's, you're not staying there as well. Yeah, it's crazy, man. Seems like you're outside though. So it looks like you're getting some.
Christian Blake: I am
Ryan Shank: when, when traffic. Um, all right. Cool. So I just want to dive in. So these are just quick action-packed, uh, episodes, you know, where we talked to top marketers and different industries and how they did it. So tell us a little bit about your background. Why did you get into, you know, marketing, tell us a little bit about the business. Um, and then we'll dive into some more tactical questions.
Christian Blake: Yeah, absolutely. So, um, my background, so it's pretty diverse. I've done everything from working at a private equity venture capital space, founded businesses, failed miserably at the creating businesses, which a is, I like to call it a learning experience. Um, um, I've taken my cuts and bruises like everyone else made the wrong choices at the wrong time and then made the wrong choice at the right time. But ultimately I think at the core of everything, for me it always stems from people. So you know, whether it's marketing or early-stage technologies, CPG based industries or, or whatever the focus is, it's always about getting in front of the right people with the right message and then utilizing the right vehicles to make sure that it's quantitative that you can keep track of what you're doing right and areas you need to improve. So Cairo phrase is a purple Squirrel. So you know, chiropractic care is probably the most underutilized, but yet just insanely ridiculously fat industry. Like they are exploding. I think maybe like 83,000 Kairos in the u s right now and $83 83,000 then, I mean, isn't that insane? Wow. There is, there is a, you win. But when chiropractors were just thought of as like the, the, the, the medicine people, right? Like the, you know, alternative to Western medicine. But now it's on the forefront.
Ryan Shank: I went to a Cairo the other day actually, and I swear I left and I was able to like breathe better and I didn't even have a breathing problem, but I was like, is I did something, I don't know. I don't know what happened, but I was like, oh my God, I'm getting like better air. It was in pain.
Christian Blake: My brother, you, you experienced with the chiropractor's call being ignited, man. You were ignited. They like, they open you up, stretch your body out and uh, you walked away feeling a little taller probably then when you walked in. Yeah. It's like the chiropractic industry. Oh, the majority of consumers or potential patients look correct. Or I hurt myself, play basketball, something of that nature. But chiropractic care. So being low active in the care side, like I personally, I row once a week and it does wonders for me. I feel a lot sexier, I feel a lot healthier. Yeah. You know, I mean it's just, it's a good way to look at the more holistic side of, you know, taking care of your body. But Cairo braise, man, it was the the founder he was, yeah. Sorry, go ahead.
Ryan Shank: Yeah, yeah. So to kind of diving into that, so some totally get it. Um, prior chiropractors is the a, the industry you're focusing on, tell us about like, you know, so what are you, you're helping them get more patients, like what's the value prop of kind of plays to the actual price, like practitioner?
Christian Blake: Yeah, so that's a great question. So at the core of everything is just building healthier marketing or clinics. I think, you know, so many chiropractors go to school to be chiropractors. They don't touch business school, they don't touch business classes and they have no idea how to consistently build a healthy marketing platform and pipeline for their practice. So our job just to your every legion. Yup. Yeah, yeah, it'd be, I was wondering what's your, everything your website, your logo [inaudible] gone and got a guy listening local as are you using it yet or Moz, you, you're hitting the nail on the head, man. JAKKS is one of their primary resources we use on the SEO Front. What's crazy about paraphrase though is we're the only tried and truthful service, in my opinion, a marketing and advertising agency, but we're one of the larger ones. You know, I think we've got hundreds of clients all over the world, right?
Christian Blake: We've gotten chiropractic colleges in London, we've got chiropractors in Canada, but primarily everybody here stateside. And I think for us, what our job is right away is to educate the Cairo on what they need to do, what they're not doing, and how to stay consistent with it. The unsexy is probably the sexiest for us so far. Right? Like building out a bad ass responsive website that is working for them, not against them. That's highly converting, you know? I mean, do you look at other industries where like chats is like not revolutionary? I'm a Cairo side integrating chat into their practices. They're like blown away. They're like, Holy Shit, how do y? And it's like, dude, like
Ryan Shank: talk specifics. So like, so. So what kind of tools are you, like, are you using intercom, live chat? Like what kind of tools are you using
Christian Blake: specifically with these guys? We use, so we have a [inaudible] CRM that we built internally just on the, it's a full marketing automation dashboard. It's got a responsive recording, you know, but you know, a lot of the tools that we're using, all of our websites are custom built off of wordpress. We don't use templates and themes. We custom build all of the things that we do use a specific to Cairo. Um, but yeah, I mean, yeah, so we were using JAKKS, we use sem rush on the reporting side. We knew a little bit on Mys, uh, but like Chad is drift. Um, you know, we found drift as like taking over the world, right? I mean, it's got the native application, so it makes it a hell of a lot easier for our Kairos.
Ryan Shank: Them other pieces too. They do content and everything like that side of it.
Christian Blake: I just literally got an email from them from a video of one of the firm, one of the founders where she's basically talking about how like she still engages with, you know, people who are coming to their site on, on chat. It almost reminds me of, I don't know if you remember the story of Steve Jobs, he had like the redbone on his desk, right? So sometimes you would call it customer support to complain about whatever and you didn't even know it, but it was Steve Jobs is picking up the phone to field the call, right? Like just to feel how things are moving, you know, within his organization. Drift is like, so I think of them as like the slack of chat and, and modern communication. Like they've, they're taking it to a whole nother level. So yeah, we use drip, but I mean, honestly, you know, on this being so service focused, like we are in Cairo praise.
Christian Blake: A lot of what we're focusing in on is, you know, leveraging copying content. You know, I always say, and unfortunately marketers don't, maybe we're sending the wrong message, this concept of like, oh, we're a multi-campus based agency. It's like here's the difference being a funnel and a campaign, right? The funnel is the vehicle to deliver the campaign, which is the message to the audience. And I think that [inaudible] we do a lot of funnels. Yeah. We build out. Primarily what we do is we start with the website that asks website all of our clients on the organic side, they kill it. We do heavy on the ad-words, heavy on the advanced, you know, search engine optimization. We focus on keywords like to [inaudible] degree, I'd swear I wake up and I'm like Russell Crowe in a beautiful mind with keywords, dude. Like I'm like [inaudible] visioning the keywords specific to the area and then we doubled down on the funnels.
Christian Blake: Yeah. And then just again going through to the landing pages, are you just doing custom wordpress pages that you're driving paid traffic you are using like unbounce or anything like that? So actually we built a, we built off of this resource called active demand, which is this like, Yup, bad ass Canadian company. I don't know if you've played around with their stuff. It's perfect for small agencies and sort of mid size agencies. We, actually have custom uh, custom landing pages and dynamic landing pages. I mean like all built into the CRM. So then we take it, we custom build off of it and they sort of have the wordpress model where it's like a ton of assets and you just kind of, you know, pick and choose what services your clients best. But what's really cool is you can literally build dynamic, um, w Pur ELLs, so personal URLs.
Christian Blake: So for example, when, you know, so like if, if Ryan comes back to Christian Chiropractic, it's going to recognize it's use. So it's going to customize the, the actual landing page. So it may have like a picture of, you know, yeah. It could literally do like have a picture of like Yankee stadium in the backyard cause it knows your area and say, Hey Ryan, long time since we've seen you, like welcome back. Pick up where we left off. I mean that is like that helped conversions just like through the roof. Conversions are insane. But I think the bigger side of it is just chatter man. Like I get in this argument all the time with my friends who work at other agencies, their own other agencies where they're like, you know, what are your conversion numbers look like? And I'm like, dude, are you actually able to engage with people?
Christian Blake: Like are you having conversations where it stars right? Like at or whatever the call to action is is even better. Like from there and then you're creating that high level funnel. You know from the conversion side you're plugging them into all of that. But like our communication with patients, for our clients it's always over 70% meaning like we may drive 200 unique visitors to the website and we may be running multiple funnels for different campaigns on social. We are doing a lot of programmatic three roll by right now for our clients, which I'm frigging in love with. You know, we use leverage and really good thing you're, you're doing that on like youtube on youtube and not just youtube and areas a platform. So there's a company called tube mobile to Ube and Emoji UL and they got bought, they went public and then got bought by Adobe after they republics. So brought back down to be private. And so they are literally the self serve like you know, programmatic pre-roll sort of platform. But then mobile, it's insane. TUV mog l check it out. It's insane now.
Ryan Shank: That's why I love where every conversation seems like things like that. It's like you'll learn that it's like you might not, it might come across,
Christian Blake: it's an insane film. You're using it. Yeah. I think the other thing too is like when you think about programmatic, you know, buying in particular on the videos side, marketers are trying to ball on a budget, right? And so when you deal with the video, it's like, it's going to be a little bit more on the cost side for your clients. But the return, I mean dude, youtube, you mentioned youtube, who owns youtube, right? Like yeah, they are. Of course, I mean Google is plugged into everything. So if you have a badass website, you're focusing on advanced SEO, you're running, you know, ad words you're doing them can grow quickly and consistently and you've got free roll running on Youtube. It's all be in the house around the same entity, right? It's the same campus in mountain view, California that's, that's managing that. So it's like, I bet you're right.
Ryan Shank: Basically they reward people. I heard, I've heard that like Youtube rewards people who like upload like consistent content with like other things like better, like more suggestions that are here and results, stuff like that because it's like they are the content creators
Christian Blake: platform. You're, you're spot on. Like we work with our rep over at Google who is literally, I mean it's like Google to me. I do. They, we are Frenemies, right? Like we love the fact that we get to work with one entity that does so much. We hate the fact that they changed stuff like minute by minute, but at the same time like you're right GDN Google display network. Nobody messes with it. Dude. Like agencies, you run away from Google display network like the plague, but when you go through and you train some of your staff internally to understand the complexity and the simplicity of Google's display network, how to manage your campaigns appropriately and again, how to plug it into this like Google ad words, SEO, youtube, you can live off of everything because it's insane.
Ryan Shank: Yeah. Most people that I've talked to are just doing like retargeting the display network.
Christian Blake: I mean, you know, no matter what re targeting low hanging fruit, not sexy, but everybody should be doing it. But I mean there's so much [inaudible] going to be doing data. I mean data drives, you know, always be driving decisions, right? Nothing is going to come to you, analyze and distribute you out the right relevant data. Like Google, I mean Facebook, right? Like we had the election issues couple years ago, so they're changing around a lot of their parameters and like Facebook isn't necessarily evil, but like Google is the winner. Like there's no doubt about it. Like everything that you're going to do for your clients. It has to be centered around what Google offers.
Ryan Shank: Yup. So, so diving in, um, cause I want to, I want to ask you a few additional like tactical questions and then yeah, we can, maybe we can wrap it up. So what is your deliverable to your client? Like are you delivering them like leaves or are you delivering them? Uh, like, like what do you, what do you report on, I guess?
Christian Blake: Yeah, that's a great question. So yeah, I mean we are a lead gen focused agency, right? Like, so we're, we're graded in large part based off with one Auntie of new, we call them NPOs, new patient opportunities. We hate calling them leads. These are people, so like who need care. So we gone NPOs. So we are graded on that. But on the reporting side we're showing them how we're moving the needle by way NAV cards, NPO. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. I mean it varies. We've got some clients do to who are in like London, Ohio, which like I think the cattle outweighs the population of people. Like it is insanely like small demographic plan. But then we also obviously have the big ones. They've gotten New York City dots, we've got Chicago, San Francisco, London, and the reporting is always the same, which is how much you spending for the right person.
Christian Blake: It's not just a matter of pushing leads left and right. Like if I tell a doc, look, I can bring you 200 leads, super low traffic cost, but if going gonna be the right audience, dude, like maybe not like we focus on developing out the right cohorts, the right demographics. We track and target like to nobody's degree. And we ultimately are just focused on driving the right patients in the door for them. We're showing them the CPL and of course we're showing them on the service side, which is our model. We don't take anything from the by itself. We're just strict.
Ryan Shank: Can I should ask how you price it?
Christian Blake: So yeah. So, yeah, so they're, exactly, they're paying us a sir, a service fee monthly. I will say this, we are probably about 180% more expensive than our competition, but at the same time, our clients ROI is, stems a hell of a lot more from just how much money did we make. Yeah. It's also like, which one is
Ryan Shank: this? Is the retainer vary based on ad spend at all? Or is it, is it flat? Like is there a minimum to get started with you guys?
Christian Blake: Yes. Yeah. So it's, I'll be honest, it's 1500 essentially. Yeah.
Ryan Shank: You can have your minimum retainer regardless of what the ad spend days.
Christian Blake: So just [inaudible] yaks integrations. It's with all the keyword analysis and research development of custom copy content. We actually pay for professional photographer to go out every practice. So we normally spend about $1,200 just to get like professional photo video so that we can build Badass, like, you know, display ads and of course, more the website. Yeah. Dude, you, any doctor's building, cookie cutter, any client, anybody who's building cookie cutter ways [inaudible]
Ryan Shank: Oh my God. It's like, no. Yeah,
Christian Blake: I'm going to call out one of our competitors. There is a company that plays in our space section. They are cleaning up the market on websites. All of their websites are identical. The only thing that changes is the location, the hours of operation and the about us. That's why all of them, oh dude, we just talked to one of their dots. He's averaging 18 unique visitors. Come on dude. He is in Dallas, Texas. Like what the hell like that is investigating marker. Yeah. Oh Man. So yeah, I mean we, we focused on our, our baseline, no matter what, we don't touch social channels. We don't touch, you know, the full service side until we're about a quarter into the website, being live, ad-words, being developed and distributed. And then the advanced SEO working like, because we need to start where we're at. Okay. The largest asset that you have as a business assignment.
Speaker 3: Yep.
Christian Blake: Sexy. But it's an necessity.
Ryan Shank: Yeah. Um, okay, so getting started with you guys, so what's, what's your process look like? Are you kind of like demoing? Like what does your page look like? [inaudible] proposal, like, you know, I, everyone's always asking about asking about that,
Christian Blake: um, proposal template in like Google Doc. Yeah. So that's a good question. So we actually are built because we're so chiropractice chiropractic specific, we literally steal exactly what they do for patients. So a Chiropractic, when you come in to see a chiropractor, it's called a d one a day one. And then the chiropractor puts together a report of findings, which is a complete audit of your health and a, and basically an action plan. And then you go to your day two, which is where they present to you the potential patient, their, their action plan. Hey, this is your quarter findings, this is where you're weak. This is where you need to get strong. This is exactly how we do it. And here's the cause. So what we do for each client, dude, we are so unique in this no costs to all of the people who are coming to our breath to pirate praise.
Christian Blake: We do a complete deep dive. We call it an audit, right? So we will do a complete audit on everything. We'll do advanced keyword search. We'll put together an SEO domain report, we'll pull all that data, we'll look at our love it, it was real traffic. And we basically create this 20 slide presentation that literally tells them exactly where they are, where they suck, where they need to improve, and how to do it. And we give it to them. So like if you think about it, we're basically like, hey, here's exactly what we would do. Here's your blueprint. Whether you decide to do it with [inaudible] or not. Yeah, you can. We literally had to give, here's your diagnosis, here's your diagnosis. Like I don't need a pick. [inaudible] you need to get a picture though. And it's not cookie cutter. And so what's crazy that if you think about that, we're basically giving away exactly what we, what we do.
Christian Blake: So we're giving them exactly how we do what we do, what we'll do specific to their practice. And so some Chiros are like, man, I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger. Understandably. So. They'll go to like their bunny locally, right? And they'll hand them exactly what we gave them and their buddy will be like, cool, this is the blueprint. That's exactly what I'm gonna do. So we're like giving them the cheat sheet for free, but we're doing that because they need a dude. Education on the marketing and advertising side is where everybody is lacking. So we're like, fuck it, we're going to put it right.
Ryan Shank: I also agree, it's like if you, if you give people, if you give stuff out, like only good things are gonna happen. I think like people who are like, oh, I'm not going to tell you my secret sauce and stuff. Like I even said to people, I'll tell our competitors what we're doing. I'll publish our roadmap. It doesn't matter. Like we're going to do it. We're gonna like build relationships better and we're going to like be out there. We're going to be people who didn't want to do business with us. Like it's humans.
Christian Blake: Don't you hate the fact that like every marketing agency seems to be like, oh, we have this proprietary methodology or this resource. It's like, Dude, marketing is not revolutionary. It's the way that you do things together that is substantive. Like you're not doing, like the marketing agency does. You're not doing anything that's like, Oh shit, we should've thought of that. They're just piecing things together in a format for their respective market that works. So it's like, I'm trying to be revolutionary. You don't need to be this entrepreneurial revolutionary first and market based resources. Like, dude, just do your stuff the right way. Do it transparently. Build equity with clients, show them that you're willing to work your ass off and that you're in partnership with them and they will stay with you for a lifetime.
Ryan Shank: Yeah. Um, I think the video, I guess the audio is still up, but the video cut out. Can you hear me still? Yeah, I can hear you. All right. I think it's, I think it's all good. It's just, um, yeah, no, totally, totally, very. Um, I'm going to wrap up, uh, to two additional things. So, one, if you're like getting started, how do you acquire clients, by the way? First, before we go,
Christian Blake: so we, we, this is insane. We spend and is against sharing our secret sauce. We spend $800 total a month on lead Gen and we generate on the inbound side. So we run social ads and we also run some pretty aggressive email campaigns. And we do that just by offering free giveaways. We list build like nobody's business, like we do dinner with Dr Events, which are really sexy and hot right now in chiropractic space. We give away our guy, we're literally like, hey dude, come give us your email information and we will literally give you exactly step by step on what we do for free. And so we generate anywhere between 60 to a hundred new inbound leads a month. Dude, we spent $800 Max every month. It's insane. We don't even, we have a salesperson that he works probably five hours a week for us. That's it.
Christian Blake: I mean, so we're not hurting at all. We're at capacity with every other month. Where we struggle is honestly and to turn away business and say, hey guys, we don't want to overextend ourselves, which is a problem to have for a short period of time. Right. Like, I don't want to be arrogant in saying, yeah, we have all of our shit together. We figured it all out. But like we want to help Kairos because we know that by expanding Kairos networks, they're ultimately helping people who genuinely benefit from their gear. So we get into this circle of women pyros. Yeah, for sure. That's awesome. Um, all right, cool. So I was just gonna say that.
Ryan Shank: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So kind of question describing that. If you're, if you're like, you know, someone that wants to start an agency, like what do you do first? How do you get, get that first client? Like how do you establish credibility so that you can get your first?
Christian Blake: Yeah, so I focused on five p's of any business, right? So people problem, product, you plan and pricing, right? So it always starts with people. The any agency you have to have domain expertise or experience. You can't be somebody who's preaching about adwords and SEO when you yourself have no concept of how to build it out, how to manage it and how to maintain the on the problem side, what's the problem that you're solving? It could be industry specific, it could legitimately just be, I know where people struggle, small to medium sized businesses on you know, websites and bad ass converting websites and make sure that you have that expressively communicated on the product side. That's your service man. Like end to end. Can somebody come to your website or jump on the phone with you and quickly disseminate what you do, who you are and how much it's going to cost for them.
Christian Blake: And then on the process side, always be transparent about what you do, how you do it, and then ultimately how you get them from point a to point B. And then pricing. Don't underpriced yourself, don't overprice yourself. Listen to the market, do the research and it always, to answer your question, it starts with networking dude. Like the same thing that we push from, you know, our, our, our board members to our investors. To our partners and our affiliates. Like you have got to be networking with people who are relevant to your spends. So go to note, go to AFI, you know, go to EO, go to local meetups. You know, look at the startup community. Look at early to mid size businesses. That would be a great starting point for you. Find that Beta clients that you can test your theory out on low to no cost and literally beat your process up to such a degree that you at times feel discouraged about the fucking business that you've been in.
Christian Blake: Love that 300 and there you're saying, yeah, I know there's a difference everybody working for free. I'm not going to tell her it works for me. Here's an entire everybody, everybody, and right now, because the rise of entrepreneurship in this start, in this content startup communities, everybody is living in Bruce Wayne and a Batman like your Bruce Wayne is what you do from nine to five, your Batman at night. And so really quick caped crusader, do the work, James, and know the people in your community and fucking pound it until you can be in the Cape Crusader flying around mountain tops and buildings all day.
Ryan Shank: Love it. Um, awesome man. Cool. We're going to wrap up or hitting, hitting the 30 minute threshold. They used so much by the way, per [inaudible] you have this out and uh, yeah. So where can everyone find you?
Christian Blake: So c h, I, R. O. Praise your a I s e. Dot com. So we are highly responsive. Yeah. We're, we're Chiro focused, right? I mean, I will say this, we're getting ready, we've got some exciting things coming out. We're getting ready to launch, can appraise CNA raise where we actually already have some CBD and some cannabis cultivation companies that we're working with. Another really booming industry man with a lot of upside and they don't know how to market. They don't know how to advertise. Awesome. Thank you so much.
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