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Vlog #20: Here's why you should stop overpromising

Too many people are overpromising these days. I'm guilty of it as well. I get excited to close a deal and overpromise. It has to stop.


Ryan Shank is the CEO at PhoneWagon. Ryan loves helping small businesses generate quality leads by implementing creative solutions that are proven to work.

Are you missing 80% of your leads? The Importance of Call Tracking

Are you missing 80% of your leads? The Importance of Call Tracking

This case study by the experts at Wordstream walks you through the importance of tracking all your different conversion events including web forms, live chats, phone calls, and texts.

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The Ultimate Guide to Selling Leads to Chiropractors

The Ultimate Guide to Selling Leads to Chiropractors

From first visit discounts to getting hundreds of in-network and cash patients, we cover it all.

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Vlog #18: Meeting with CEO of Squarespace

We had a bunch of meetings with mentors.

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Ep 008: How Ross Tudor Helped One Client Double Their New Patients

Ross Tudor of Hot Corner Digital talks about how he broke into digital marketing and has been gaining traction as an entrepreneur.

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Ep 010: Here's How Christian Blake From Chiropraise Helps Chiropractors Triple Their New Patients

Christian Blake from Chiropraise helps chiropractors with everything from building a custom website, managing their presence online, and driving them new patients. H

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