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Vlog #16: Boating with other founders

Techstars hosted a boat cruise on Saturday night for all of the founders in the NYC summer 2017 cohort. We boated around Manhattan and had some drinks. It was awesome.


Ryan Shank is the CEO at PhoneWagon. Ryan loves helping small businesses generate quality leads by implementing creative solutions that are proven to work.

Outbound Sales Script

Outbound Sales Script

This sales script has been used in thousands of calls to get agency clients that pay per lead.

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Are you missing 80% of your leads? The Importance of Call Tracking

Are you missing 80% of your leads? The Importance of Call Tracking

This case study by the experts at Wordstream walks you through the importance of tracking all your different conversion events including web forms, live chats, phone calls, and texts.

Download for free

Vlog #36: Chill Saturday

Today we spent a lot of time on the vlog strategy.

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Vlog #9: Chatting with co-founder of kuloco

In high school I started a clothing company called Kuloco with Nathan Bourne.

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Vlog #46: Helping your business take over the world

We're here to help you take over the world. according to Manisha.

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